
A metallic finish which doesn’t require hours of sanding to create a metal effect. Tick. A metal effect which can be applied like a standard topcoat with no polishing required. Tick.

That is exactly what the CREATIVE METALLIC range offers, 112 different colours from silver, copper, gold colour tones through to bright modern metallics.  With coarse and fine options across the collection this makes a virtually limitless range of different colour options ideally suited to shopfitting, furniture feature pieces and yacht interiors.  What’s not to love in this sparkly selection?

For many years now it has been hard to overlook furniture and fitments in the metallic look and there is currently no sign of a decline in its popularity. Copper, brass, chrome and other metallic tones make for elegant eye catchers. The metallic trend is ubiquitous. Our lacquers are specifically formulated in a way that enables coating on a wide variety of substrates. The use of a different hardener means that this new quality can also be achieved by coating on various plastics and on glass.

We have noted this major trend and have created a metallic colour chart with over a hundred colour tones in classic metallic hues, but also in striking tints.

Read more about this range and its application process here.

Learn more about the CREATIVE METALLIC range here

Hesse entered the competition in the "Collection" category in 2018 with its pattern samples and CREATIVE METALLIC colour chart, and won a prize.