Sia 2920 Siawood 75 x 533mm Portable Sanding Belts
Sia 2920 siawood features a robust cotton fabric backing which ensures outstanding performance as well as excellent removal rates, lifetime and finish in portable belt sanding applications.
Grit type
- Aluminium Oxide
- Available in 40, 60, 80, 100 & 120 grits
- Dust-free process: Antistatic construction minimises dust build-up on belt, workpiece and machinery
- High removal rate when working on softwood and hardwood with coarser grits
- Perfect surfaces thanks to TopTec
- Suitable for long periods of use thanks to very robust backing and optimised grit spreading technology
- Flush sanding of edges
- Coarse sanding in plywood manufacturing
- Intermediate sanding in plywood manufacturing
- Coarse sanding of laminated softwood panels
- Intermediate sanding of laminated softwood panels
- Fine sanding of laminated softwood panels
- Sanding off paints and lacquers